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iMAR Navigation: Providing inertial Solutions for the Tasks of Today and Tomorrow

iMAR Navigation: Providing inertial Solutions for the Tasks of Today and Tomorrow

Products by its Name: (73)


iTNAV: Torpedo Navigation System

Tracker Range: 3 x iIPSC-MSG-60 target trackers, following a target

iIPSC-TR: Target Tracker Range Control

iMAR Navigation: iIPSC-HSG Gyro Stabilized EOTS Platform

iIPSC-HSG: High Speed Gimbaled Camera Platform with Pan Tilt Gyro Stabilization

iMAR Navigation: iIPSC-LSG Gyro Stabilized EOTS Platform

iIPSC-LSG: High Resolution Inertial Gyro Stabilized Camera Mount or Electro/Optics EOTS (Pan-Tilt Module)

iREF-GNSS-BASIC: RTK GNSS Reference Station with GNSS antenna and VHF antenna mast

iREF-GNSS-PRO, iREF-GNSS-BASIC, iREF-M300: GNSS RTK Reference Stations

iRRR: Professional GNSS RTK Base Station for permanent installation, optionally with up to 3 integrated dissimilar redundant GNSS engines

iRRR: GNSS RTK Reference Receiver Rack (GNSS Base Station)

iPowerBox: Uninterrupted Power Supply

iPowerBox: Uninterrupted Power Supply

iPosCAL Post-Proc Software iPST systems for pipeline surveying and inspection

iPST Gyro based inertial Pipeline Surveying System

iMAR Robust Aviation and Gun Fire Approved Magnetometer iMAG-DMC

iMAG-DMC: Magnetometer for UAV, Aviation and Defense

iCWPTA and iMWS Wheel Speed Sensors

iCWPTA and iMWS Wheel Speed Sensors

iFOG-IMU-1-B: Fiber OptiC Gyro + MEMS Accelerometer based IMU: 0.9 deg/hr / 2 mg

iFOG-IMU-1: Inertial Measurement Unit, class 1 deg/hr, small size and FOG based

iMGYR-SN: MEMS based Gyros with integrated Odometer Interface and CAN/RS232/RS422 Output (Gyro Sensor)

iMGYR-SN: MEMS based Gyros with integrated Odometer Interface and CAN/RS232/RS422 Output (Gyro Sensor)

iOLFOG-S-D: Fiber Optical Gyro

iOLFOG-S-D: Fiber Optical Gyro

Turntable iTES-PDT-07

iTES-PDT07: Single-Axis Turntable for MEMS Sensor Testing (Gyro, Accelerometer)

Fast Ferry Stabilization with iATTHEMO/ (here: Brittany Ferries)

iSSMC: Ship Stabilization and Motion Control (iATTHEMO)


iTGAC / iTGC: Gyro and Accelerometer Unit

iMAR Navigation: iVRU-CB MEMS Gyro based inertial measurement sytem

3D-ALS: Ultra Precise INS/GNSS for LIDAR Applications (iAIRSURV)

Container Terminal

iAG²VC: Autonomous Vehicle Guidance & Control (outdoor, indoor)

SmartPos_antenna on vehicle.JPG

iSmartPos-3D: GPS based True Heading


iVRU-FC / iVRU-FQ: Inertial Measurement System with integrated GNSS and Odometer Interface


iVRU-FC-IGS: Inertial Measurement System for Gun Stabilization

iMAR Navigation: iPEGASUS-LT light weight small size North fin ding and Alignment System

iPEGASUS: Easy-to-use and most accurate gyrp based spatial Transfer Alignment System


iDRPOS.32: Dead Reckoning Vehicle Localization

iIMU-FSAS: Class 1 deg/hr Inertial Measurement System [not for new designs]

iIMU-FSAS: Class 1 deg/hr Inertial Measurement System [not for new designs]

iMAR Navigation: iNAV-RQH Ring Laser Gyro based inertial navigation sytem

iNAV-RQH: Inertial Gyro Navigation System (ring laser gyro based), 0.001 deg/sqrt(hr)