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iPEGASUS: Easy-to-use and most accurate gyrp based spatial Transfer Alignment System

Best of class spatial transfer alignment system

Leading gyro based spatial Transfer Alignment Systems

Surveying & Aligning of Machine Tools, Communication and Radar Antennas, Weapon Systems, Guns, Pedestals, Navigation Systems, Fire Control Systems, Turntables, Construction Machines etc.

In recent years, the growing demand for high-quality standards and the continuous monitoring of precision have elevated the importance of spatial alignment across various systems and sensors. This includes the calibration of machining centers or robotic equipment or turntables, as well as the transfer alignment between inertial navigation systems (INS), weapons / guns, fire control systems, missile warning sensors, and the spatial alignment of telecommunication and radar antennas.

Therefore, iMAR provides the best-of-class spatial Transfer Alignment System iPEGASUS, a patented highly precise gyro based inertial measurement system, which provides a three dimensional attitude/heading information relative to a reference orientation with an accuracy up to 0.01°.

iPEGASUS is easy to use and it saves a plenty of time: No time consumimg education of the users is necessary and the execution of measurements is roughly 10 times faster than with optical methods. Users in workshops as well as in research labs are using legacy iPEGASUS-xP and its todays's successor iPEGASUS-RQT  worldwide -  now for more than 20 years.

A miniaturized version of iPEGASUS with mid class accuracy is iPEGASUS-LT with minimized size and integrated rechargeable battery. 

In differential mode with two iPEGASUS systems also guns and radar antennas can be aligned on moving naval vessels, using iPEGASUS-RQT-DIFF.

iPEGASUS works without any external aids and is easy to handle for everybody, where only one single person is necessary for operation. Thus the measurement time for aligning or surveying is reduced dramatically compared to traditional laser or camera supported systems. iPEGASUS is a handy tool which generates up to 400 measurements per second, showing results on screen in real-time and which allows the generation of a measuring protocol designed for your application.

Picture: iPEGASUS, mounted on top of an anti-aircraft / anti-missile gun ("Sky Shield" of Oerlikon Contraves / Rheinmetall) during calibration phase of the gearboxes of the gun during manufacturing process). With the obtained measuring results, the deterministic deviations of the gearboxes and the total kinematic chain of the gun are fully compensated to increase the hit probability of the gun significantly.

iPEGASUS-xP and its successor iPEGASUS-RQT are the well-known reference for aviation and ship-building industries as well as for land vehicle manufacturers, weapon manufacturers as well as for paper machinery operators to solve challenging spatial alignment tasks within a fraction of time which is required by conventional optical methodes.

With iPEGASUS-LT additionally the true-north direction is provided and a rechargeable battery is included. It is used e.g. for 4G / 5G antenna alignment or antenna aiming (for precise direction and polarization, 0.15° absolute heading accuracy). Due to the gyro based operation iPEGASUS-LT can be even operated if optical tools are not applicable (e.g. in the night or at bad weather conditions). An integrated WLAN allows seamless integration in user's setup to transmit roll, pitch and yaw in real-time.

Further information:

Datasheet iPEGASUS-RQT Transfer Alignment System (several classes available, no ITAR restriction), including application examples

Datasheet iPEGASUS-LT Transfer: Miniature, light weight relative and absolute Alignment System (incl. integrated rechargeable battery pack)



In compliance with our proven design philosophy and our technical code of conduct for development, production, and quality assurance of our products and solutions, only physics determines the behavior of iMAR’s measurement systems. The real-time output of our systems and solutions in the inertial signal path is achieved through the intelligent signal processing developed by our experienced engineers – not by artificial intelligence (AI).


We cannot recommend that integrators or users entrust the success of critical or general missions in inertial navigation, stabilization or control to the heuristic decisions of AI.

Rely on the high reliability, accuracy, and availability of iMAR solutions, as well as on the leading INS/GNSS/+ expertise and experience of our engineering team in Germany. This is based on our mathematically and physically precise algorithms, traceable results, our sensor, hardware, and algorithm design, and our production facilities, which are certified to military and aviation standards.

Note: We apply AI methods in signal processing where they provide benefits for the application (e.g., for improving image or scenario analysis). However, our highest priority is mission safety – even in so-called corner cases of applications, where AI is typically not sufficiently trained.

iPEGASUS is available in reliable ring laser gyro (RLG) technology as well as in miniaturized hemispherical ringresonator gyroscope technology. iPEGASUS is the best performance and most easy to use spatial alignment solution of its class.


Further information

Datasheet: iPEGASUS-LT - miniturized spatial transfer alignment system
Datasheet: iPEGASUS-RQT - best performance spatial transfer alignment system

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