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iSSMC: Ship Stabilization and Motion Control (iATTHEMO)

Stabilize and control your ship with iATTHEMO/TLx

Ship Stabilization and Motion Control System (iSSMC, iATTHEMO/TLx)

The iSSMC and its successor iATTHEMO/TLx are highly integrated Inertial Ship Stabilisation and Motion Control Systems, which use an integrated inertial measuring unit and an advanced control processor to control the actuators (fins, rudder, ...) of the ship to improve the comfort of the passengers (e.g. for high speed ferries) or to stabilize a working platform on a ship.

  • Ship motion stabilisation and control system: Roll / PPtch / Heading / Heave control
  • controls an arbitrary number of fins, thrusters etc. and rudders / waterjets
  • applicable to all usual systems with CAN, Ethernet or UART interfaces (option: hydraulic valve control interface) 
  • provides also control data for a stabilized platform (antenna, satel­lite communication, working platform, helicopter landing deck, heave compensated platform to access wind turbines ...) as an option
  • in 24/7 operation on many ships and fast ferries for many years around the world 

The core of iATTHEMO and iSSMC  is a accurate MEMS based  inertial measuring unit which continuously deter­mines roll, pitch and change of heading (and as an option surge, sway and heave) of the ship with appropriate data rate. These data are fused together with the data of an integrated multi-constellation / multi-frequencies GNSS receiver to control the actuators of the ship. 

The iATTHEMO/TLx provides all interfaces to control the ships actuators (hydraulic or electric torque genera­tors), to read back the actual fin and rud­der position, to provide the system status on the CDU (control and Dis­play Unit) located on the bridge and to feed in­formation via CAN to the ship’s PLC and data distribution system. The Ethernet interface allows re­mote diagnostics and service capability worldwide.

Since 2022 the iATTHEMO/TLx is the successor of the iSSMC with expanded computation power and interface capabilities.

iATTHEMO/TLx is available with several sensor classes from economic performance to professional performance.

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Solution for stabilization, hhip control, heave, dynamic positioning, DP, DP1, DP2, DP3, heave  compensation, ride control.

Weitere Informationen

Datasheet: iATTHEMO/TLE Ship Stabilization & Motion Contro System with included actuator control, MEMS inertial sensors, all-frequencies / all-constellation GNSS
Datasheet: iATTHEMO-TRIDENT-Rx - the ultimative solution for reliable and accurate vessel navigation

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