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iMAR Navigation: Providing inertial Solutions for the Tasks of Today and Tomorrow

iANARO - Gyro based inertial Drillhead Localization and Steering (3)

Advanced Gyro Based Localization & Guidance Tool for Horizntal Directional Drilling (HDD)

iATTHEMO - Inertial Solutions for Navy and Marine for Ride Control, Stabilization and Navigation (7)

Attitude, Heading & Motion: Gyro Compassing and Dual Antenna based INS/GNSS Systems with True Heading (True North) Output for the Naval and Marine Environment

iCOMBANA - Geo Localization and Pointing for Military Vehicles (3)

COMBAt NAvigation Systems for Defense Tasks [without any ITAR restrictions]

iCORUS - Leading strapdown Airborne Gravimetry (4)

Airborne Gravimetry Systems in strapdown technology with additional output of flight guidance data in real-time -also used for shipborne gravimetry

iDAGOS - GNSS based dual Antenna Gyro aided Heading (3)

Dual Antenna GNSS based Orientation System (true heading output)

iDMN - Dynamic Mesh Communication Network (2)

Wireless communication in real-time between a swarm of dynamic moving vehicles with lowest latency, highest reliability, high bandwidth

iIMU - Inertial Measurement Units (5)

Inertial Measurement Units of all Classes of Accuracy

iIPSC - Gyro Stabilized Platforms for EO/IR and Antennas (10)

Gyro Stabilized Pedestals, Turrets, Gimbals for Cameras, Antennas, Lasers, Designators etc. and for Customer specific Payloads; all class of performance, speed, accuracy, payload weight and size, for nearly all kind of naval, airborne and land vehicles as well as stationary applications

iLIANE - LiDAR / INS based Geo-Localization (2)

LiDAR aided inertial Navigation Equipment

iMADC - Micro Air Data Computer (1)

Micro Air Data Computers

iMAG - Magnetometers for special Applications (3)

3D Magnetometers, with and without integrated IMU

Mortar Alignment Systems (2)

Mortar Alignment Systems

iMWS (1)

Magnetic Wheel Sensors

iNAT - Class leading inertial Navigation & Timing Systems (15)

Core Navigation and Timing (iNAT) Systems for all kind of Navigation, Guidance, Stabilization, Control and Surveying; all class of performance, from MEMS to RLG, HRG and FOG

iNetGo - Radio Modems for RTK Correction Datas (1)

Data Modems for GNSS GBAS Correction Data Transmission

iOET² - Opto Electronic Target Tracking Systems (6)

Systems and Gimbals for Inertial Stabilized Electro Optical Target Tracking

iPEGASUS - Transfer Alignment Systems (1)

Transfer Alignment Systems

iPosCAL - INS/GNSS/X Post Processing Software (1)

iMAR's post-processing software for INS/GNSS/ODO data; versions for general applications, pipeline surveying and airborne gravimetry

iPRENA - Geo Localization and Pointing for Military Vehicles (4)

PREcision NAvigation Systems for Defense Tasks (Land, Sea, Subsea, Air) [no ITAR]

iPST - Inertial Solutions for Localization and Surveying for Pipelines (2)

Inertial measurement systems for pipeline surveying and drilling applications

iRail - Localization and Surveying for Railway Applications (9)

Train Localization, Train Integrity Monitoring, Railway Surveying

iRBG - Radio Beacon with GNSS/IMS Localization (1)

Radio Beacon with integrated GNSS receiver and battery for continuous tracking of UAVs

iREF / iRRR: RTK GNSS Reference Stations (2)

GNSS Referece Stations

iSSMC - Ship Stabilization and Motion Control (2)

Ship Stabilization and Motion Control Systems

iSULONA - Geo Localization of Military Logistics & Support Vehicles (3)

Systems for Defense SUpport & LOgitics NAvigation Tasks [without any ITAR restrictions]

iSWACO-ARGUS - The holistic Toolchain for automotive Proving Grounds (5)

Swarm Control: Multiple Vehicle Navigation, Guidance & Control, secured low latency RF communication between highly automated vehicles in the sea, in the air and on land, also for Proving Grounds for highly Automated Vehicle Testing and Verification (iSWACO-ARGUS); includes iTSV series of fully automated driving vehicles

iSYNC: Accurate Time Stamping Module (1)

Time stamping of IMU, GNSS, cameras, LIDAR, odometer

iTAHS - Magnetometers with integrated IMS for Deep Sea Applications (1)

3D Magnetometers, with and without integrated IMU

iTGAC - see iNT-M300 inertial solutions (1)

Three axes gyro / accelerometer assemblies (use iNAT for future applications)

iTHESEUS - Leading autonomous Indoor Localization (1)

iTHESEUS: Indoor navigation without any need of any infrastructure (fully autonomous localization of pedestrians, firemen, special forces or just to improve the occupational safety e.g. on chemical plants). Fully supporting operation in GNSS dened environment.

iTNAV - Leading Torpedo Navigation (1)

Torpedo Navigation Systems

iTraceRT - Leading Ground-Truth for automotive Testing (4)

High Performance INS/GNSS with RTK for automotive Testing

iTURN: Turntables for IMU Testing (3)

Motion Tables for Gyro and IMU / INS Testing

iVRU: Vertical Reference Units - see also iNAT-M300 (8)

Vertical Reference Units and AHRS (for new applications use Product Group iNAT)

iXCOM-CMD - Powerful Operator's Software for iMAR's inertial Systems (4)

Command Software / GUI for all iNAT, iTraceRT-MVT, iPRENA, iSULONA, iCOMBANA, iATTHEMO systems (configuration & operation & visualization)