Attitude, Heading & Motion: Gyro Compassing and Dual Antenna based INS/GNSS Systems with True Heading (True North) Output for the Naval and Marine Environment
Gyro Stabilized Pedestals, Turrets, Gimbals for Cameras, Antennas, Lasers, Designators etc. and for Customer specific Payloads; all class of performance, speed, accuracy, payload weight and size, for nearly all kind of naval, airborne and land vehicles as well as stationary applications
Core Navigation and Timing (iNAT) Systems for all kind of Navigation, Guidance, Stabilization, Control and Surveying; all class of performance, from MEMS to RLG, HRG and FOG
Swarm Control: Multiple Vehicle Navigation, Guidance & Control, secured low latency RF communication between highly automated vehicles in the sea, in the air and on land, also for Proving Grounds for highly Automated Vehicle Testing and Verification (iSWACO-ARGUS); includes iTSV series of fully automated driving vehicles
iTHESEUS: Indoor navigation without any need of any infrastructure (fully autonomous localization of pedestrians, firemen, special forces or just to improve the occupational safety e.g. on chemical plants). Fully supporting operation in GNSS dened environment.