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iTSV-KIA-NIRO: Fully Automated Vehicle for Proving Ground Instrumentation & Platooning

Fully Automated Driving Vehicle for Traffic Simulation, Sensor Validation, Platooning

iMAR’s iTSV-KIA-NIRO is a hybrid vehicle, which can execute programmed trajectories with up to 150 km/h on proving grounds. It is part of iMAR’s iSWACO-ARGUS proving ground automation toolchain to setup simple and complex traffic scenarios for the validation and homologation of vehicles of SAE level 2 up to SAE level 5.

The iTSV-KIA-NIRO is used in this context as Traffic Simulation Vehicle (TSV) to validate the behavior of so-called Vehicles under Test (VUT), but it can also be used for any other application in R&D where a programmable road vehicle is required, e.g. to validate e.g. cameras, lidar or radar systems (i.e. object and event detection and response systems, OEDR) on an repeatable driving carrier within a real-world environment (Sensor Validation Carrier, SVC). 

  • Fully automated driving on proving grounds
  • Integrated INS/GNSS based very accurate localization system iTraceRT-MVT with RTK capability to achieve centimeter level monitoring accuracy with lowest data latency and multi vehicle tracking capability
  • Output of precise time information and PPS
  • Full access to all internal vehicle’s actuators (steering, throttle, braking) in real-time; no driving robot required
  • Integrated vehicle control system iARGUS-VCS
  • Fully supported by iMAR’s iSWACO-ARGUS system for enhanced Proving Ground Automation
  • Integrated Dynamic Mesh Network iDMN for multi vehicle communication for even 100+ participants as an option
  • Integrated iARGUS-LTG local trajectory generator
  • Interface to iARGUS-CMD software for trajectory planning on polynomial basis as well as on teach-in basis.
  • Communication protocol fully compatible with the future ISO 22133-1 standard
  • Optional integrated UPS available with 12 VDC and 235 VAC output
  • Easy to use: Simple and fast capability of activation / deactivation of fully automated driving mode possible to allow operation also on public roads (DEKRA approved)

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Datasheet of iTSV-KIA-NIRO

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iTSV-KIA within a traffic scenario, together with two 4a FreeBoards, executed with iMAR's iSWACO-ARGUS toolchain