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iTNAV: Torpedo Navigation System

ARHRS for Torpedo Navigation in FOG Technology

With iTNAV-06 a FOG based attitude and relative heading reference system (ARHRS) is provided for applications which require tactical grade accuracy, simple using and small size and weight.

  • Three FOG rate gyros and three MEMS accels
  • 0.75 °/h and 1.5 mg bias stability
  • CAN / RS232 interfaces
  • Trigger Input
  • Stabilisation tasks
  • Guidance & Attitude Con­trol

iTNAV-06 is a triaxial system with three orthogonal mounted rugged closed loop FOG gyro­scopes, three MEMS servo accelerometers and an integrated powerful microprocessorto provide digital data transmission (CAN, RS232) and extended internal error modelling and ARHRS calculation. A speed aiding input is available to achieve higher performance also in difficult dynamical environment. Full vehicle stabilisation and guidance algorithms are available on request.

The iTNAV can be adapted to customer demands on request e.g. to replave other systems by form-fit-function (FFF replacement).
iTNAV is used on submarines in many European countries like Germany, Turkey, Spain and several other countries worldwide.

Further information:

Datasheet iTNAV-06

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