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iCORUS Strapdown Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Systems

Low Weight & Small Size & Easy to Use High Precision Strapdown Airborne Gravimeter Systems

iCORUS is a family of light weight accurate strapdown airborne gravity gradiometers (AGG) and  gravimeters with about 1 mGal accuracy (RMS). 

iCORUS provides gravi­me­tric disturbances measure­ments, gyro com­pas­sing and data for iner­tial navigation (PNT - Position, Navigation & Timing), sur­vey­ing, guidance and sta­bi­lization. It contains dedicated, high performance gyros and accelerometers, an advanced GNSS engine and a dedicated signal acquisition and processing, based on iMAR's more than 30 years experience in designing and manufacturing highly accurate inertial measurement systems for surveying, navigation and control. iCORUS also shows significant advantages regarding weight, power consumption, robustness and mainteness, compared to other commonly used systems.  

iCORUS covers appli­cations, which require high ac­cu­racy, reli­ability, a flexible in­ter­face and easy integration and usage.

Field results and scientific papers regarding performed gravimetric campaigns using iMAR technology (excerpt):  See section "Further Information".

Please ask iMAR sales engineers for further information and also for customized solutions.

Other AGGs: CHEKAN-AM, LaCoste Romberg MicroG, TAGS-7, SEA III, GEDEX HD-AGG


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