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iIPSC-MSG-60: Stabilized Tracking Platform for up to 60 kg or 130 kg Customized Payload

Gyro Stabilized Electro Optical & Antenna Targeting & Tracking System for Multi Purpose Payloads

Gyro Stabilized Electro Optical & Antenna  Targeting & Tracking System for Multi Purpose Payloads

The family of iMAR's EOTS / EO/IR pedestals iIPSC-MSG-60 and iIPSC-MSG-130 are fully two axes gyro stabilized systems for standard and customized payload including video tracking (iOET²) capability, true north alignment, joystick and remote control capability and provides an open interface to the user's computer system. 

The iIPSC-MSG-60 can carry up to 60 kg customized payload (EO/IR, antennas etc.) under full dynamic and 130 kg under limited dynamic (iIPSC-MSG-130). The payload can consist e.g. of daylight and IR cameras, laser range finder (LRF), RF antennas, SATCOM devices, designators, illumination systems or other equipment.

The system can be controlled by the user's command system or by the integrated joystick control System iJP. A powerful operator software iIPSC-CONTROL is provided together with the pedestal for operation, configuration and maintenance purposes.

Contact iMAR Sales Team for detailed information.
Detailed information and videos are provided in the download area.
Other systems are made from FLIR, SAGEM, SAFRAN, THALES, CONTORP, CONTROP, Photosonics

Weitere Informationen

iIPSC-MSG-60 and iIPSC-MSG-130 datasheet

Im Download-Bereich findet man Handbücher, Berichte von Anwendern und weitere Informationen.


Video iIPSC-MSG-60 for Aircraft and Missile Testing, equipped with IR camera (200 Hz), HighSpeed Camera (7200 pictures / second), laser range finder (up to 32 km distance, 0.25 mrad), daylight HDTV camera - gyro stabilized (78 MByte - 3 minutes) (c) iMAR Navigation GmbH
iIPSC-MSG Motion Example (continuous rotation)
iMAR's gyro stabilized target tracker iIPSC-MSG-60 - real world video
iIPSC-MSG-60 (customized version), mounted on hexapod