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iIPSC-ANTRAD: Systems for Dynamic Antenna Stabilization and Pointing

Gyro stabilized Antenna Pointing and Tracking Systems for Marine, Surface and Airborne Carriers

The iIPSC-ANTRAD familiy covers gyro controlled stabilizers for communication antennas, radar antennas, jammers etc.

The "D" devices (iIPSC-ANTRAD-xxxD) are designed for fast positioning and pointing tasks with high angular resolution and accuracy and for operation also on fast moving naval and surface vessels as well as in stationary environment, where also lowest angular hysteresis is required.

The "G" devices (iIPSC-ANTRAD-xxxG) are designed for medium fast and medium accurate positioning and pointing tasks with standard angular resolution and accuracy, for operation on naval and surface vessels as well as in stationary environment. 

Standard systems as well as customized designs are provided, from low weight to heavy weight payloads, with RF sliprings or Fiber Optic Rotary Joints (FORJ) or twisted cables.

The systems are avaialble with single axis (azimuth) stabilization (e.g. for phased-array antennas) or dual axes (azimuth / elevation resp. pan / tilt) or triple axes (e.g. to maintain also a stable polarization direction) stabilization and on request up to 5-axes to avoid any singularities.

All systems are available optionally with gyro stabilization, GNSS dual-antenna compassing or gyro compassng, or INS/GNSS geo-referencing. 

For heavy antenna payloads see our series iIPSC-MSG.

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-101D (single axis azimuth):

  • angular speed up to 300 °/s, acceleration > 300 °/s² 
  • antenna payload up to 15 kg (or customized) 
  • angular resolution < 1 arcsec, linearity < 0.003 %
  • gyro stabilization better 0.1 ° or 0.02 ° or TBD (depends on used gyro / IMS); options: iNAT-M200, iNAT-FSSG, iNAT-FSLG; additional geo-referencing as an option integrated
  • stabilization bandwidth > 100 Hz possible using internal gyro feedback
  • Interfaces: Ethernet (TCP/IP / UDP), CAN, UART RS232/422
  • Power supply: 24 V, 360 W (max) [depends on desired dynamics, can be limited by software parameters]
  • RF sliprings (standard): DC to 2.2 GHz, 6 lines
  • NF/DC sliprings: 20 lines, each 2 A
  • Protection: IP66 at radome side
  • integrated auto protection of drive system
  • open frame architecture, can be specifically adapted to customer's needs (size, torque, interfaces, transmission performance of radom at certain frequencies)

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-102D (single axis azimuth):

  • angular speed up to 50 °/s, acceleration > 50 °/s² 
  • antenna payload up to 15 kg (or customized) 
  • very low height profile
  • angular resolution < 1 arcsec, linearity < 0.003 %
  • gyro stabilization better 0.1 ° or 0.02 ° or TBD (depends on used gyro / IMS); options: iNAT-M200, iNAT-FSSG, iNAT-FSLG; additional geo-referencing as an option integrated
  • stabilization bandwidth > 100 Hz possible using internal gyro feedback
  • Interfaces: Ethernet (TCP/IP / UDP), CAN, UART RS232/422
  • Power supply: 24 V, 360 W (max) [depends on desired dynamics, can be limited by software parameters]
  • DC slipring 20 lines, each 2 A and 1 line FORJ (fiber optic rotary joint) for Ethernet
  • Protection: IP54 at radome side
  • integrated auto protection of drive system
  • open frame architecture, can be specifically adapted to customer's needs (size, torque, interfaces, transmission performance of radom at certain frequencies)

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-201D (dual axes azimuth/elevation):

  • similar to iIPSC-ANTRAD-101D, but dual-axes (azimuth/elevation) design, carrying a 60 cm dish for satellite communication 

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-205G/305G (two axes azimuth/elevation, optional polarization):

  • modular setup of two axes and three axes antenna stabilizer for for dish and grid antennas with gearbox drivesfor marine and land vehicle applications for inter-vehicle communication,  tracking of airborne vehicles, ammunition etc.  Suitable / scalable from low-weight to heavy weight antennas. Including gyro stabilization, GNSS compass or gyro compass.

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-301D (three axes azimuth/elevation/polarization):

  • similar to iIPSC-ANTRAD-201D, but three-axes (azimuth/elevation) design, carrying a 50 cm dish for satellite communication 

Features of iIPSC-ANTRAD-303D (three axes azimuth/elevation/polarization):

  • light-weight gimbal with modular setup for antenna stabilization and positioning for 280 mm diameter dish and grid antennas with direct torque drives  for marine, land and air vehicles.  Application examples: Inter-vehicle communication,  tracking of airborne vehicles or ammunition, pointing of jamming antennas etc.  Including gyro stabilization, GNSS compass or gyro compass.

Features of iIPSC-PT-X (Pan-Tilt Pedestals):

  • See separate datasheets.

Beside of iIPSC system family with its open system architecture, iMAR Navigation also provides so-called upgrade sets (UGS), which are used to upgrade existing platforms of various manufacturers with enhanced inertial stabilization, target tracking and control capability for line of site (LOS) stabilization of camera, antenna or weapon payloads on mobile platforms on ground, sea and in the air.

Contact our sales department for further information.

Weitere Informationen

Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-101D (single axis antenna stabilization)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-102D (single axis antenna stabilization, low height profile)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-103G (single axis antenna stabilization for phased array antennas to achieve also elevation [draft])
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-201D (dual axes 60 mm dish antenna stabilization)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-205G / 305G (modular dual or triple axes dish/grid antenna stabilization)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-301D (three axes antenna stabilization)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-302D (three axes antenna stabilization)
Datasheet: iIPSC-ANTRAD-303D (three axes 280 mm dish antenna stabilization - light-weight gimbal)
Datasheet: iIPSC-PT-X (Pan-Tilt Pedestals fur customer specific payloads)

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iIPSC-PT with antenna payload: Motion demonstration
Video of iIPSC-ANTRAD-303D for shipborne and marine vessel antenna stabilization