iANARO: Horizontal Directional Drilling (next Generation)
The Most Precise Gyro Based Drillhead Guidance Tool in its Class
The Most Precise Gyro Based Drillhead Guidance Tool in its Class
For more than 20 years, iMAR has been manufacturing tools for borehole surveying and drill head steering for both, vertical and horizontal directional drilling (HDD). iANARO is the latest generation of a most robust gyro based drillhead steering tool. It uses a unique technology to provide precise information in order to determine the position of the drillhead in real-time.
The system provides a very accurate, true north related heading and pitch information (azimuth and inclination), even under very strong environmental conditions, up to hard-rock drilling and high rotation rates around the drill axes. Furthermore, it provides environmental and operational information, like temperature, pressure, battery and health status.
The iANARO tool family contains several devices, distiguished according to diameter and accuracy:
- iANARO-HP with 0.04 deg sec Lat heading accuracy
- iANARO-mini with 0.1 deg sec Lat heading accuracy
- Best of class tool and solution for trenchless technolgy, long distance pipeline installation, utility and infrastructure drilling, cost-effective precision gyro steering for HDD, complex terrain drilling
- Sensor System Accuracy: 0.04 deg ... 0.1 deg sec lat true north, 0.02 deg pitch accuracy
- Advanced communication between AMD and ACB, integrated additional sensors
- No disturbance by magnetic fields (railways, power lines etc.)
- Online Position monitoring, no costly after-job surveying required
- No calibration at construction area required, operable by customer’s staff
- Leading solution for horizontal boring, gyro directional drilling, directional horizontal drilling
So, the engineers and technicians at iMAR Navigation in Germany are the designing and manufacturing experts of leading gyro-guided Horizontal Directional Drilling Tools since 2004.
iMAR is the designer of the famous Gyro Steering Tool iGST for Brownline.
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