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iRailLoc-C & iRailLoc-R: Advanced Train Localization and Communication System

Sub-Decimeter Localization & Timing & Communication System for all kinds of local & high speed Passenger Trains, Freight Trains and Trams

Sub-Decimeter Localization & Timing & Communication System for all kinds of local & high speed Passenger Trains, Freight Trains and Trams

iRailLoc-C and iRailLoc-R are member of the advanced high performance iNAT system family (iMAR Navigation and Timing) and is specially designed to meet the needs of modern train positioning, localization and operation up to ATO (automatic train operation). They provide the required PNTC features (positioning, navigation, timing & communication), all in one box, designed according to the relevant European railway standards regarding EMI/EMC, power supply and environmental impacts.

iRailLoc-C is the inertial / GNSS / odometer based localization solution to be mounted on the locomotive. It contains the inertial solution as well as a second CPU with high computation power where also customized applicatins can be installed. 

iRailLoc-R is a so-called smat odometer: It is an inertial / GNSS  based localization solution with integrated odometer to be mounted on the axle on a rail vehicle.  It provides position, speed, heading, roll and pitch and a scale factor corrected odometer signal. Therefore iRailLoc-R can also be used to improve the localization performance for ETCS based solutions. 

iRailLoc-C is qualified according to EN 50121 for rail vehicle applications.

iRailLoc-R is designed to meet EN 50121 for rail vehicle applications.

The architecture of the iNAT systems allows also the aiding with any external position / velocity / time stamp / standard deviation data, e.g. obtained from machine vision, LiDAR or any application based aiding sensors.

iRailLoc-C and iRailLoc-R provide the relevant motion and position data for train location, train guidance and train control tasks and provide also open interfaces to auxiliary sensors on demand. All kinematic measurements like acceleration, angular rate, attitude, true heading, velocity and position of the rail vehicle are provided in real-time incl. timestamp and standard deviation with a data update rate of up to 500 Hz.

iMAR also provides the ground truth reference for many railway applications, from economic performance MEMS based INS/GNSS systems (iNAT-M300) up to high performance ring laser gyro based surveying solutions (iNAT-RQT) for rail inspection and maintenance.

The solutions are designed also to fulfil GNSS Denied requirements and to be able to hande GNSS spoofing and jamming. iMAR solutions are known for applications where reliability, accuracy and availability matters.

Due to the modular interface of all iMAR solutions, the systems can be easily expanded to additional interfaces on request (e.g. ETCS)



In compliance with our proven design philosophy and our technical code of conduct for development, production, and quality assurance of our products and solutions, only physics determines the behavior of iMAR’s measurement systems. The real-time output of our systems and solutions in the inertial signal path is achieved through the intelligent signal processing developed by our experienced engineers – not by artificial intelligence (AI).


We cannot recommend that integrators or users entrust the success of critical or general missions in inertial navigation, stabilization or control to the heuristic decisions of AI.

Rely on the high reliability, accuracy, and availability of iMAR solutions, as well as on the leading INS/GNSS/+ expertise and experience of our engineering team in Germany. This is based on our mathematically and physically precise algorithms, traceable results, our sensor, hardware, and algorithm design, and our production facilities, which are certified to military and aviation standards.

Note: We apply AI methods in signal processing where they provide benefits for the application (e.g., for improving image or scenario analysis). However, our highest priority is mission safety – even in so-called corner cases of applications, where AI is typically not sufficiently trained.

Further information

Datasheet iRailLoc-C (INS/GNSS localization system for rail vehicles, waggon mounted)
Datasheet iNAT-RQT (high performance INS/GNSS reference system for railway applications)
Dataseet iLIANE: LiDAR based mapping and localization
Datasheet iRailLoc-C - Samrt Odometer (INS/GNSS localization system for rail vehicles- axle mounted)

More manuals, user reports and other information in our download area.