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Inertial Navigation - Quick Start

This link gives you a quick start into the knowledge of inertial navigation technology, inertial sensors, INS/GNSS sensor data fusion etc.
And for all other items and related applications like gyro stabilized platforms, vehicle motion surveying, vehicle control, gravimetry, drill head localization, transfer alignment systems, testing systems for automotive and airborne applications, guidance, vehicle and target localization, control, navigation  etc., please take a few minutes to dive deeper into our web site or contact our headquarters or our representatives to learn more.

The following link leads you to our interactive inquiry form sheet.

Click here for further information

The market place of Inertial Navigation systems and solutions:

Several users have reported recently strong doubts about the performance and reliability of the products from certain providers of INS/GNSS solutions who lack sufficient long-term experience - the datasheet claims of their products may not be met in real-world applications. Do not hesitate to ask us for details.


Note: The displayed logos are under the copyright of our customers. This representation is a small excerpt from our client list, which includes over 300 clients worldwide.

vectornav, trimble, thales, honeywell, safran, riegl, racelogic, optolink, novatel, litef, movella, microstrain, kearfott, iai, kongsberg, innalabs, inertial sensing, inertial sense, inertial labs, analog devices, sensonor, fizoptika, exail, ixblue, colibrys, civitanavi, applanix, vbox, oxts, ericco, sbg, iMAR, advanced navigation, INS, GNSS, navigation, inertial

Read more …Inertial Navigation

Registration form for new users

NOTE: Upon receipt of your information, a user account is created and an activation link will be sent to your e-mail address. This will happen typically 1 working day after your submission, after approval. To confirm your account please click the activation link or copy/paste the provided url directly into your browser.

Privacy Note: Data of users that registered on this website will be stored on our server, which can be found under "Data Privacy Policy" in the footer of this web page. With your registration you agree that your registration data will be stored.

You can delete the stored data on our servers at any time if you send us an eMail with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE.

Mandatory fields *

Step 1 (of 3) – personal information

Please fill in your complete name - first and family name!
Please ad your username. The username might already be in use!
Please name your company!
Please ad an eMail address. The eMail might already be in use!
Please verify you eMail address.The eMail might already be in use!

Step 2 (of 3) – address information

Please fill in an address & housenumber!
Please fill in your zip code!
Ungültige Eingabe
Please name your country!
Please fill in your city!
Please tell us what applications you are interested in!

Step 3 (of 3) – login data

Please type your password!
Please retype your password!

Read more …Register form

Data Privacy Policy

Our website may be used without entering personal information. Different rules may apply to certain services on our site, however, and are explained separately below. We collect personal information from you (e.g. name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of German data protection statutes. Information is considered personal if it can be associated exclusively to a specific natural person. The legal framework for data protection may be found in the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). The provisions below serve to provide information as to the manner, extent and purpose for collecting, using and processing personal information by the provider.

iMAR Navigation GmbH # Im Reihersbruch 3, D-66386 St. Ingbrert # This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please be aware that data transfer via the internet is subject to security risks and, therefore, complete protection against third-party access to transferred data cannot be ensured.


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Purpose of Registering

We offer you the opportunity to sign up for our website. The information entered when signing up, as shown in the registration form

Registration Form

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Contacting Us

On our website we offer you the opportunity to contact us, either by email and/or by using a contact form. In such event, information provided by the user is stored for the purpose of facilitating communications with the user. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.

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The information generated by these cookies, such as time, place and frequency of your visits to our site, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google’s location in the US and stored there.

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Google states that it will in never associate your IP address with other data held by Google. You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Google also offers a disabling option for the most common browsers, thus providing you with greater control over the data which is collected and processed by Google. If you enable this option, no information regarding your website visit is transmitted to Google Analytics. However, the activation does not prevent the transmission of information to us or to any other web analytics services we may use. For more information about the disabling option provided by Google, and how to enable this option, visit

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We use the “Google Maps” component of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter “Google.”

Google sets a cookie in order to process the user configuration and data when the page with the integrated “Google Maps” component is displayed. As a general rule, this cookie is not deleted by closing the browser, but rather expires after a certain time, as long as it is not previously manually deleted by you.

If you do not agree with this processing of your data, you may choose to deactivate the “Google Maps” service and thereby prevent the transfer of data to Google. To do this, you must deactivate the Java Script function in your browser. However, we would like to point out that in this case you will not be able to use “Google Maps” or at least only to a limited extent.

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To our knowledge, the referrer URL, the IP address, the behaviour of the website visitors, information about the operating system, browser and length of stay, cookies, display instructions and scripts, user input behaviour and mouse movements in the “reCAPTCHA” checkbox are conveyed to “Google.”

Google uses the information obtained, among other things, to digitize books and other printed matter as well as to optimize services such as Google Street View and Google Maps (e.g. house number and street name recognition).

The IP address provided as part of “reCAPTCHA” is not merged with other data from Google unless you are logged into your Google Account at the time the "reCAPTCHA" plug-in is used. If you want to prevent this transmission and storage of data by “Google” about you and your behaviour on our website, you must log out of “Google” before you visit our site or before using the reCAPTCHA plug-in.

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On our website we use components (videos) of YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, a company belonging to Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

To this end, we use the “ - enhanced data protection mode - ” option provided by YouTube.

When you display a page that has an embedded video, a connection will be made to the YouTube server and the content will appear on the website via a communication to your browser.

According to the information provided by YouTube, in “ - enhanced data protection mode -”, data is only transferred to the YouTube server, in particular which of our websites you have visited, if you watch the video. If you are logged onto YouTube at the same time, this information will be matched to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this from happening by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.

Further information about data protection by YouTube is provided by Google under the following link:

Use of Google-Adwords

For purposes of promotion, our website also employs the Google ad tool "Google-Adwords". As part of this, our website employs the analysis service "Conversion-Tracking" from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google“. If you access our site by way of a Google ad, a cookie is placed on your computer. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser downloads and stores to your computer. These so-called "conversion cookies" cease to be active after 30 days and are not used to identify you personally. If you visit certain pages of our website while the cookie is still active, we and Google know that you, as user, have clicked on ads placed on Google and were redirected to our site. Google uses the information obtained through "conversion cookies" to compile statistics for our website. These statistics tell us the total number of users who have clicked on our ad as well as which pages of our site were then accessed by each user. However, neither we nor other advertisers who use "Google-Adwords" receive any kind of information that can be used to personally identify users. You can prevent the installation of "conversion cookies" by making the appropriate change to your browser settings, for example by setting your browser so that the automatic placement of cookies is deactivated or by blocking cookies from the domain "“.

You can obtain the relevant data privacy policy from Google at the following link:

The use of Google Remarketing

On our website, we promote the service Google Remarketing belonging to the company Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter "Google". Advertisements may appear for users who have already visited our website in the past with Google Remarketing. Within the Google network, advertisements adapted to your interests can hereby be displayed on our site. Google Remarketing uses cookies for this evaluation. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer which allow the use of the website to be analyzed. This makes it possible to recognize our visitors if these sites are accessed within the advertising network of Google. In this way, advertisements can be presented within the advertising network of Google based on content which has previously been accessed on websites within the Google advertising network by visitors who are also using the Google Remarketing feature. Google does not itself collect any personal data. You can disable this feature by making the appropriate settings under

Publication of vacancy announcements / job applications

We electronically collect and process your application data for the purpose of completing the application process. If your application results in the conclusion of an employment contract, the data collected from you may be stored in your personnel file for purposes of normal organizational and administrative processes in compliance with appropriate legal requirements.

Upon rejection of your application, data you have provided is automatically deleted two months after notification of rejection. This does not apply in such instances where, due to legal requirements (such as the burden of proof obligation stipulated in the Equal Treatment Act) a longer storage period is necessitated or when you expressly agreed to have your data stored for a longer period in our database of prospective applicants.


On the basis of the Federal Data Protection Act, you may contact us at no cost if you have questions relating to the collection, processing or use of your personal information, if you wish to request the correction, blocking or deletion of the same, or if you wish to cancel explicitly granted consent. Please note that you have the right to have incorrect data corrected or to have personal data deleted, where such claim is not barred by any legal obligation to retain this data.

Sample Data Privacy Policy Statement provided by the Law Offices of Weiß & Partner

Symposium DGON ISA 2024 "Inertial Sensors and Applications"

The ISA Symposium "Inertial Sensors and Applications", formerly called "Symposium Gyro Technology", is held once a year in October in Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany with about 200 international and national attendees from industry and research.

iMAR Navigation supports this symposium (iMAR's CEO Dr. Edgar L. v. Hinüber is member of the program commitee since 2006) and invites also its customers and business friends to participate. Details are given in the attached links and pdf files.

The symposium and its participants can look back on over 60 years of significant influence on inertial technologies, applications, and standards, both scientifically and economically.

Central to the symposium are leading presentations as well as intensive communication between users, manufacturers, and researchers. The DGON ISA is supported by the IEEE and, in this format, stands as the leading event among international inertial technology conferences - a conference with a modern format and by far the most extensive international tradition.

Invitation for the 61st symposium:  Invitation ISA 2024

Proceedings of Symposium Gyro Technology since 1965

With the 60th anniversary of the symposium the effort had been taken to digitize all proceedings. With the following dowload the Proceedings of the Symposien Gyro Technology since the very beginning of the Symposium in 1965 until 2012 are avaiable as searcheable pdf files. The proceedings since 2013 are available at Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) at Leibniz University Hannover / Germany.

Download of Proceedings Symposium Gyro Technology Germany 1965 - 2012 (zip, approx. 700 MByte)

Here you can get the proceedings being published after 2012:

TIB Link

Read more …DGON Inertial Sensors & Applications - ISA in Germany / Symposium Gyro Technology

Export- and Trade Compliance-Regulations for Inertial Navigation Systems and Inertial Sensors (Dual-Use)

Depending on its class of accuracy and/or its base of development origin (industrial / military) the export of inertial components or of inertial measurement systems can be subject of export control. The following links may assist the reader to get an improved understanding of export control mechanisms and how to deal with the regulations.
According to the international Wassenaar Arrangement, also for inertial measurement systems and components with the capability of gyro compassing (true north finding) or if they had been specifically designed for military usage covering specific performance requirements, an export certificate has to be granted by the competent authorities. In Germany the BAFA (German Federal Office for Export) is responsible to grant such license. The license is required, if the buyer or/and the final end-user are operating the goods outside of the European Union. If the buyer or/and end-user of so-called "dual-use" goods are located inside the countries covered by the EU001 regulations (Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Norway), a simplified export control procedure for these dual-use goods is applicable and iMAR Navigation will handle the according notification to BAFA automatically without any administration effort for the buyer. Furthermore, some components may be controlled by natioanl export regulations (e.g. in France by DGA or in the USA or Canada by so-called ITAR regulations (U.S. Department of State/ Bureau of Industry and Security) - in this case, iMAR Navigation will apply also for those additional licenses.
Please contact us for all re-exports/ re-transfer activities or intentions, because of the Trade Compliance monitoring.
Please study the official regulations which are binding for the buyer as well as for the end-user.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further Information!

Attention / Legal Clause:

  • iMAR has collected the information given on this page according to its best knowledge. Nevertheless, iMAR Navigation cannot be held responsible for any misleading, wrong or not updated information.
  • The buyer is responsible to provide all necessary information about end-user and end-usage to iMAR Navigation to apply the correct export procedure. The buyer of the goods is responsible over lifetime of the goods that their usage complies to the actual valid export regulations.
  • The import and export of dual-use goods into and out of the EU, if not properly declared or authorized, is punishable under §18 V No.1 AWG in accordance with EC Regulation 428/2009. Therefore, it is essential to pay close attention to the accuracy requirements for the import and export of inertial measurement systems.
    Any measurement system that has a bias of less than 1.25 mg or less than 0.5 °/h, or an accelerometer scale factor of less than 0.125%, is subject to authorization in accordance with the Dual-Use Regulation and MTCR regulations.

Contact - Exporthints - German Links (information supplied without liability):

Bundesamt für Ausfuhrkontrolle:

Contact - Exporthints - USA Links (information supplied without liability):

U.S. Department of State (DDTC) - International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR):

Bureau of Industry an Security (BIS) - Export Administration Regulations (EAR):

Contact - Hints and Information - EU Links (information supplied without liability):

Read more …Export control hints


  • iMAR Navigation GmbH
  • Im Reihersbruch 3
  • 66386 St. Ingbert

  • Germany

Contact & Support

  • +49 6894/9657-0     (switchboard)

  • +49 6894/9657-636 (sales team)

  • +49 6894/9657-15   (support team)

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