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iIMU-CFM-01: Inertial Measurement Unit for Aviation and AHRS Applications

31 December 2010

iIMU-CFM-01: FOG/MEMS Based IMU for Surveying, Aviation and ADAHRS Applications

The iIMU-CFM-01 is an IMU con­sisting of 3 FOG gyros of class 5 deg/hr bias stability and 3 accelerome­ter axes of class 2 mg, designed according to DO254 and DO160E.

Major features are:

  • 0.3 deg/sqrt(hr) / 50 µg/sqrt(Hz); bias stability (AV) 0.2 °/hr, 0.1 mg @ const. temp.
  • 1’000 Hz and 200 Hz data rate with calibrated data
  • power supply according to DO160E; FPGA firmware and hardware ac­cording to DO254, DAL A.
  • Applications: Attitude Heading Reference, Surveying, Guidance & Con­trol
  • RS485 (UART) interface
  • SYNC input for time stamping
  • Optional CAN interface

The iIMU-CFM-01 is designed for rugge­dized ap­plications on land vehicles, naval ves­sels, helicopters, fixed wing aircrafts and UAVs. The iIMU-CFM-01 can be operated at an unregulated wide range power supply (10-34 V DC)and is protected against wrong polarity, HIRF, SEU, lightning, and over-volt­age up to 80 V. The data output is free running and the data are sent via RS485. Two redundant outputs and power supply in­puts are available.

The iIMU-CFM-01 requires no ex­port li­cense. 

The iIMU-MM-04 uses MEMS gyro technology and servo accelerometers. It is interface compatible to iIMU-CFM-01.

Further informations:

Datasheet iIMU-CFM-01 (FOG based IMU, 5 deg/hr OTR)

Datasheet iIMU-MM-04 (MEMS based IMU, 15 deg/hr OTR)