Military Vehicles: Navigation, Localization, Pointing, Guidance & Control
Military Vehicles: Navigation, Localization, Pointing, Guidance & Control
INS/GNSS Systems for Military Vehicles:
From "Support & Logistics" (iSULONA) over "Combat Navigation" (iCOMBANA) up to "Precision Navigation" (iPRENA) iMAR manufactures and provides all classes of inertial systems and solutions for vehicle navigation, localization, guidance, pointing and control for operation nearly worldwide. Made in Germany.
Heavy Trucks, Construction Machineries, Mining: Navigation, Localization, Guidance & Control
Heavy Trucks, Construction Machineries, Mining: Navigation, Localization, Guidance & Control
INS/GNSS Systems for Heavy Trucks, Mining and Construction Machineries:
The iNAT-M-II / -III / -IV series covers applications, which require highest INS/GNSS+X accuracy and reliability under challenging environmental conditions, where fiber optical or vibrating gyros (MEMS, HRG) are not suitable. Reliable solutions with inertial systems Made in Germany.
Gyro Stabilized Target Trackers (EO/IR, EOTS)
Gyro Stabilized Target Trackers (EO/IR, EOTS)
iIPSC-MSG: Gyro stabilized Pedestals, gimbals, turrets for electro-optical / infrared payloads (EO/IR) with daylight / night vision cameras, laser ranger, high-speed camera, laser designator (option), energy laser (option), target video tracking (TVT); high motion dynamics capability; designed for easy integration of customized payload, also operable within a set of multiple trackers for tracking fast or difficult targets.
iMAR's systems can also replace the 30+ years old so-called cine-theodolites, still in operation on many tracking ranges worldwide.